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Yamanaka Lab started its activities at CIBR in July 2022. The Yamanaka Lab is engaged in research to elucidate the working principles of the hypothalamic neural circuits that regulate instinctive behaviors such as feeding and drinking behavior, sexual behavior and sleep/wakefulness. Among these instinctive behaviors, our research focuses on the neural circuits involved in sleep/wakefulness regulation. The hypothalamic neurons contain many neurons that produce neuropeptides and release them as neurotransmitters. Recent studies revealed that these peptide-producing neurons are known to play an important role in the regulation of instinctive behaviors. Among them, we are focusing our analysis on neurons that produce neuropeptides, such as orexin and melanin concentrating hormone (MCH)-producing neurons. By clarifying the functional linkage between these hypothalamic neurons and neurons in brain regions that control higher order brain functions such as memory, decision making, emotion, motivation and consciousness, we aim to understand the principles that cause the exhibition of various behaviors and to elucidate the mechanisms of pathological manifestations caused by their functional disruption.

 For these studies, we will use mice as model animals and apply molecular biological, electrophysiological, and behavioral pharmacological experimental techniques, handling with molecules, cells, and whole animal level. We aim to elucidate the causal relationship by creating various genetically modified animals, inducing target neuron-specific gene expression by applying viral vectors to them, and analyzing the behaviors that emerge when specific neuronal activities are manipulated by optogenetics and chemogenetics. In addition, we will record neural activities of targeted neurons in animals that are freely behaving under consciousness by using a miniature endoscope (nVista) or fiber photometry. By combining these manipulations and recordings, we try to elucidate detailed causal relationships through conditional perturbations by performing closed-loop operations under various conditions.

 We also train the next generation of researchers to conduct these studies. We aim to nurture researchers who not only possess the techniques and knowledge of cutting-edge experiments, but who are also world-class researchers. We aim to nurture researchers who will develop research that clarifies truth, essence, and universality, rather than short-term research.





